Thunder Road Bar and Grill

As I may have mentioned in earlier post, I meet with a group of fellow Americans once a week for (usually) breakfast and conversation. This week we changed our meeting time to a little later in the morning in order to accommodate one of the guys who takes his young son to pre-school. We also changed the location to accommodate another guy who wanted to check out a Mexican restaurant located on the south side of the city. We arrived at Los Mariachis at 10:00 AM, only to discover that the restaurant doesn't open until 11:00.

Rather than wait around for Los Mariachis to open, we voted on trying out a bar and grill across the street - Thunder Road Bar and Grill.

My three companions ordered burgers while I ordered the fish and chips. My only regret is that I failed to get a photo of my food. I have no complaints about my order; I'll have the fish and chips again.

Although I neglected to get a photo of my fish and chips, I did manage to get a few photos of the bar and grill. I can certainly recommend the place.

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