The Rollin' Pin

Tuesday, the day after writing my last post on this blog, I went into Dumaguete to take photographs which might end up, in one way or another, on the Dumaguete website.

Starting on Rizal Blvd., I made a snake-like path to Harolds Mansion, then a left on Amigo, left on Mango Ave. to Aldecoa Dr. by Silliman Univ. Hospital up to Real.

This was on foot.

Before Cang's, I took a tricycle back to Perdices. It was quite the exercise.

Early in my adventure, I took a left off Flores - which up until now, I believed to still be Rizal Blvd.-. This little road had no name that I could find on any Google map of the area. For those familiar with the area, you'll find the Charles Bachelor Building and Calderon Hall.

It was on this little road - next to DSS Fireworks- that I came upon a cafe called The Rollin' Pin. As one can see by the photo, The Rollin' Pin specializes in coffee, pastry and snacks. I couldn't resist the urge to stop in for said pastry and coffee.

I had the coffee, of course and a deliciously flaky pastry that looked a like a cinnamon roll - without the cinnamon. It was called a Norwegian something or other. I can't recall the exact name.

My little snack was very enjoyable. However, the most surprising thing about The Rollin' Pin was their choice of music playing in the background.

Voodoo Chile from Jimi Hendrix' 1968 Electric Ladyland  LP.

For anyone interested in finding this wonderful little cafe, I've included a Google map showing the location of DSS Fireworks. I've since learned that the name of the street is Cantada St.

Update:  I just learned that the cafe has it's own Facebook page.

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