My Blogs

In addition to this website, I have blogs which may be of interest to those who find them selves here.

Dumaguete Website is specifically geared to what I'm going thru getting this this website up and running. That blog has been going since December, 2006 - Hard to imagine it's nearly 10 years old. I'm not exactly certain when I purchased the domain name, but I think it was about the time I started the Dumaguete Website blog.

My other blog, Sorry, all the clever names are taken, is three days older than the other. Although the age of the two blogs is close, the output is even close. The number of posts published on SATCNAT dwarf the number on the Dumaguete Website. With SATCNAT, sometimes I write about my life in Dumaguete, but more often, I'll deal with anything from Nigerian Scammers to U.S. politics. Some might say there's not much difference between those two topics, but I'll write about anything that suits my fancy.